Sunday, September 2, 2012

A psychodrama rhyme!

What's your favorite psychodrama song?

(Wait a minute. Does psychodrama have songs?)

Well, kind of. This one comes from the Saturday night celebratory dance at the 2012 conference at the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama -- with a group of slightly revised lyrics -- popular since the founding the ASGPP in 1942.

This is my personal favorite, sung to the tune of "My Favorite Things":

High chair and low chair and concretization
Doubles and mirrors and showing creation.
Stand in the doorway and share your issue, 
then one of the members will give you a tissue.

When the protagonist cries
and the director replies
Role reverse right now.
we simply remember our favorite techniques and then
we can be in the  now.

Watch for our next conference April 11-15 in Arlington, Va.