Many counselors are familiar with psychodrama as a powerful group counseling method. Some counselors have not applied the method to individual counseling. Since I do a great deal of individual psychotherapy with psychodrama and other experiential components, I'm always appreciative of the opportunity to spread the word about psychodrama a deux -- which translates into "psychodrama for one" as Dr. J.L. Moreno used to call it.
comprehensively shows psychodrama as an individual counseling approach through nine case studies covering such topics as search for meaning, sexual abuse, family counseling, depression and more.
A recent issue of Psychodrama News Network pointed out that Knittel's book is the only book in English dealing specifically with psychodrama a deux.
Knittel taught psychodrama classes for more than 20 years during his tenure as professor of counselor education at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and used psychodrama individually with clients in his private practice as many years.
This is an ideal book for clinicians who want to integrate action methods into their one-on-one sessions and trainers and teachers who want to acquaint their students with the versatility of psychodrama and action methods.
This is an ideal book for clinicians who want to integrate action methods into their one-on-one sessions and trainers and teachers who want to acquaint their students with the versatility of psychodrama and action methods.
See Knittel's web site here for more details.