Friday, February 8, 2013

Tobi Klein shows the fun of psychodrama in new DVD

Psychodrama can be fun! That's the attitude of Tobi Klein, a psychodrama practitioner and trainer in Montreal, Canada.

Her new DVD, titled Psychodrama Unmasked: Essential Tools and Techniques, shows how psychodrama offers a wide array of action-oriented techniques that help clients get out of their heads and into their bodies, moving beyond what is possible in traditional talk therapy.

This DVD  is an excellent introduction to psychodrama for newcomers and offers a thorough introduction to its key concepts and methodology. It should be useful not only for those who facilitate actual psychodramas, but also for more traditional psychotherapists seeking tools and techniques to engage clients in new ways.

Watch excerpt from the DVD here.

Psychodrama Unmasked: Essential Tools and TechniquesCalling on teachings from psychodrama’s founder, J.L. Moreno, master psychodramatist Tobi Klein offers an enriching learning experience by directing three live psychodramas while simultaneously teaching viewers the how-to’s. Her demonstrations and explanations highlight how compelling, cathartic, and effective this approach can be when skillfully presented. As one participant in the video says, “In the psychodrama I cannot intellectualize away the emotions.”  

With Klein as the director, the group beautifully explores universal themes such as betrayal, loss, grief, guilt, and shame, and viewers get to see how Klein creates scenes that provide opportunities for full expression of each protagonist’s psyche. 

Tobi is the first Canadian certified as a psychodrama director by the Moreno Institute, is Director of the Canadian Institute of Psychodrama and Psychotherapy, a private practitioner treating interpersonal, sexual and divorce problems, and a certified Divorce Mediator. A lecturer and supervisor in the Creative Arts Therapies program at Concordia, Klein is affiliated with the Westmount Square Medical Clinic and the Institute Samara in Montreal.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Warming up for ASGPP's conference in April


Come to the conference! The 71st Annual Conference of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama has the details ready.

The date is April 11-15, 2013 in Arlington, Va., with more than 100 workshops and presentations by many leaders in the field from the United States and around the globe, showcasing their work and the wide reach of psychodrama and sociometry in a variety of applications to clinical and non-clinical settings.

I'll be there with my colleague and friend Linda Ciotola and we'll offer "Healing Circles for Eating Disorders," from our new book Healing Eating Disorders with Psychodrama and Other Action Methods: Beyond the Silence and the Fury.

The conference is open to those who have an interest in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy for personal growth or professional development -- or both -- and includes presentations by  keynote speaker is Tara Brach, Ph.D., an internationally renowned clinical psychologist, author and teacher of meditation and mindfulness. who will also lead an experiential workshop. 

The plenary will be led by Adam Blatner, MD, TEP, and Allee Baltner. Both will highlight the global reach of psychodrama. Adam is really one of psychodrama's stars, and he and Allee are the authors of The Art of Play, one of the first books to recognize the healing elements of play.

There will also be the group's annual awards event -- where I'm proud to receive the David Kipper's Scholar Award this year -- plus regular events like the newcomers' gathering, Adam Blatner's Songfest with Lorelei Goldman and the traditional Saturday night party.
 Hope to see you there!